Linggo, Agosto 4, 2013

A Filipino Mythology


             In a world called earth, there are two places existing, a place called Kaluwalhatian and Kasanahan. In Kaluwalhatian, it composes of good people headed by Bathala or Abba which is known as the creator of all things- the sea, the sky, the earth, and all the vegetation around us. It is also called heaven. If there is heaven, also there is hell which called Kasanahan. Kasanahan is compose of bad people headed by Sitan. Sitan is the chief deity of this place or the lower world. 

            Idianale is one of the assistant of Bathala. She is the goddess of labor and good harvest. When Idianale is in the garden, Dumangan came to her. “Can I court you?” said Dumangan. Idianale was shock and tongue-tied. Idianale was secretly in love with Dumangan. She didn’t expect that Dumangan has felt the same way too. Dumangan is also one of the assistant of Bathala. He is the deity of good harvest. Idianale said yes to Dumangan. 

            After a long courtship, Idianale and Dumangan became lovers and they decided to get married. They had two children, Dumakulem, a strong and agile hunter who became the guardian of created mountains, and Anitun-Tabu, the fickle minded goddess of wind and rain. The family lives happy.  

            One day, Dumakulem got sick. His parents don’t know what to do. Idianale go to her best friend Ikapati, the goddess of cultivated land, to get some help but Ikapati don’t know also what to do. Dumangan decided to get some help to Mapulon, the god of season and the husband of Ikapati. Like Ikapati, Mapulon don’t know also what to do. The end up of their decision is to pray. 

            Mangagaway is very happy of what is happening to Dumakulem. “I don’t want to do that to you Dumakulem, but it’s your fault! If only you choose me over Anagolay, that will not happen to you. You deserve that!” said Mangagaway to herself. Mangagaway was in love with Dumakulem. When she knew that Dumakulem and Anagolay got married, she was hurt. That’s why she decided to hurt Dumakulem. Mangagaway is responsible for the occurrence of disease. 

            Idianale and Dumangan was so desperate so they decided to get help from Bathala. Bathala secretly talk to Mangagaway to please her to stop the spreading of disease. Bathala tell her so many things to make her realize that it is not good to hurt anyone. “Believe me Mangagaway, there comes a time that you will meet a man that will truly love you and a man that deserves your love too” said Bathala. Mangagaway cried and promise Bathala that she will stop the spreading of disease. 

            Bathala return to Idianale and Dumangan. “Go to your son. He is fine now.” said Bathala to them. “Thank you so much Bathala. We owe this to you. Thank you so much!” said the two. When they got home, Dumakulem was so fine like there’s nothing happen to him. There peaceful life started again. 

            Dumakulem marry Agolay, the goddess of lost things. They had two gifted children, Apolake, the godof patron of warriors, and Dian Masalanta, the goddess of lovers. 

            They live harmoniously. 

Idianale- goddess of labor and good deeds.

Dumangan- deity of good harvest.

 Dumakulem- a strong and agile hunter who became the guardian of created mountains. 

Anitun-Tabu- the fickle minded goddess of wind and rain. 

Ikapati- goddess of cultivated land. 

 Mapulon- god of season. 

Anagolay- goddess of lost things.

Mangagaway- responsible for the occurrence of disease. 

 Apolake- god of sun and patron of warriors.

 Dian Masalanta- goddess of lovers. 


1.      I am not a trash so you cannot tear me,
I am not a trash so you cannot play me,
I am not a trash so you cannot burn me,          
I am not a trash so you cannot recycle me,
I am not a trash so you cannot throw me.

2.     I am not a car so you cannot start me,
            I am not a car so you cannot ride on me,
            I am not a car so you cannot park me, 
            I am not a car so you cannot race me,
            I am not a car so you cannot sell me.

3.   I am not a slipper so you cannot wear me,
 I am not a slipper so you cannot step on me,
            I am not a slipper so I cannot take you,
            I am not a slipper so you cannot use me,
            I am not a slipper so you cannot throw me.

4.    I am not a calendar so you cannot set me a date,
 I am not a calendar so so I cannot remind you,
            I am not a calendar so you cannot tear me,
            I am not a calendar so I cannot inform you,
            I am not a calendar so you cannot write on me.

5.      I am not a remote so you cannot control me,
            I am not a remote so you cannot press me,
            I am not a remote so you cannot resemble me
            I am not a remote so you cannot change me,
 I am not a remote so you cannot put a battery on me.

6.      I am not a Facebook so you cannot add me,
            I am not a Facebook so I cannot accept you,
I am not a Facebook so you cannot design me,
I am not a Facebook so I cannot update you,
I am not a Facebook so you cannot locate me.

7.      I am not a doctor so I cannot cure you,
I am not a doctor so I cannot help you,
I am not a doctor so you cannot command me,
I am not a doctor so I cannot test you,
I am not a doctor so I cannot operate you.

8.      I am not a pet so you cannot play me,
I am not a pet so you cannot feed me,
I am not a pet so I cannot be with you,
I am not a pet so you cannot command me,
I am not a pet so you cannot throw me anywhere.

9.      I am not a song so you cannot arrange me,
I am not a song so I cannot entertain you,
I am not a song so you cannot tune me,
I am not a song so I cannot share an emotion with you,
I am not a song so you cannot sang with me.

10.   I am not a picture so you cannot tear me apart,
I am not a picture so I cannot make you smile,
I am not a picture so you cannot put me under your pillow,
I am not a picture so I cannot give you memories,
I am not a picture so you cannot kiss me.

11.   I am not a shirt so you cannot wear me,
I am not a shirt so I cannot make you beautiful,
I am not a shirt so you cannot style me,
I am not a shirt so I cannot cover me,
I am not a shirt so you cannot wash me.

12.   I am not a thesis so you cannot conduct a study on me,
I am not a thesis so I cannot inform you,
I am not a thesis so you cannot present you,
I am not a thesis so I cannot present me an answer,
I am not a thesis so you cannot defend me.

13.   I am not a book so you cannot judge me,
I am not a book so I cannot share my knowledge to you,
I am not a book so you cannot use me as cover when it's raining,
I am not a book so I cannot inform you,
I am not a book so you cannot scan me.

14.    I am not a tennis ball so you cannot
I am not a tennis ball so you cannot
I am not a tennis ball so you cannot
I am not a tennis ball so you cannot
I am not a tennis ball so you cannot

15.    I am not a dress so you cannot change me anytime,
I am not a dress so you cannot set me aside,
I am not a dress so you cannot give me to those who needed me most,
I am not a dress so you cannot sell me,
I am not a dress so you cannot repair me. 
16.   I am not a paper so you cannot throw me,
I am not a paper so you cannot burn me,
I am not a paper so you cannot tear me apart,
I am not a paper so you cannot scratch me,
I am not a paper so you cannot cut me.
 17.    I am not a Flat Screen Television so you cannot switch me,
I am not a Flat Screen Television so you cannot turn on me,
I am not a Flat Screen Television so I cannot entertain you,
I am not a Flat Screen Television so you cannot turn off me,
I am not a Flat Screen Television so you cannot buy me. 

18.   I am not a land so you cannot allocate me,
I am not a land so you cannot utilize me,
I am not a land so you cannot buy me,
I am not a land so you cannot sell me,
I am not a land so you cannot plant on me.

19.   I am not a twitter so you cannot follow me,
I am not a twitter so you cannot re-twit me,
I am not a twitter so you cannot update me,
I am not a twitter so you cannot view me,
I am not a twitter so you cannot put a hash-tag  on me.

20.  I am not a chalk so you cannot erase me,
I am not a chalk so you cannot buy me,
I am not a chalk so you cannot sell me,
I am not a chalk so you cannot put me on a box,
I am not a chalk so you cannot use in writing.

21.   I am not a math so you cannot solve me,
I am not a math so you cannot analyze me,
I am not a math so I cannot give you an answer,
I am not a math so you cannot calculate me,
I am not a math so you cannot add me.

22.  I am not a stuff toy so you cannot hug me,
I am not a stuff toy so you cannot kiss me,
I am not a stuff toy so I cannot comfort you,
I am not a stuff toy so you cannot love me,
I am not a stuff toy so you cannot be with me.

23.  I am not a tree so you cannot cut me,
I am not a tree so you cannot sell me,
I am not a tree so you cannot innovate me,
I am not a tree so you cannot buy me,
I am not a tree so you cannot use me.

24.  I am not a coffee so you cannot mix me,
I am not a coffee so you cannot drink me,
I am not a coffee so you cannot innovate me,
I am not a coffee so you cannot taste me,
I am not a coffee so you cannot sell me. 

25.   I am not a money so you cannot spent me,
I am not a money so you cannot save me,
I am not a money so you cannot exchange me,
I am not a money so you cannot give me to a charity,
I am not a money so you cannot use me.

26.  I am not a YouTube so you cannot search me,
I am not a YouTube so I cannot entertain you,
I am not a YouTube so you cannot watch me,
I am not a YouTube so I cannot make you updated,
I am not a YouTube so you cannot unlike me. 

27.   I am not a milk so you cannot drink me,
I am not a milk so you cannot taste me,
I am not a milk so you cannot sell me,
I am not a milk so you cannot innovate me,
I am not a milk so you cannot mix me.

28.  I am not a criminal so I cannot harm you,
I am not a criminal so you cannot suspected me,
I am not a criminal so I cannot kill you,
I am not a criminal so you cannot judge me,
I am not a criminal so I cannot take you away.

29.  I am not your enemy so you cannot hate me,
I am not your enemy so you cannot back stab me,
I am not your enemy so you cannot judge me,
I am not your enemy so you cannot make fun of me,
I am not your enemy so you cannot cast a spell on me.

30.  I am not a fruit so you cannot bite me,
I am not a fruit so you cannot eat me,
I am not a fruit so you cannot sell me,
I am not a fruit so you cannot taste me,
I am not a fruit so you cannot display me.

31.   I am not a computer so you cannot shift me,
I am not a computer so I cannot give you information,
I am not a computer so you cannot control me,
I am not a computer so I cannot entertain you,
I am not a computer so you cannot access an information on me.

32.  I am not a shoes so you cannot sell me,
I am not a shoes so you cannot step on me,
I am not a shoes so I cannot take you,
I am not a shoes so you cannot use me,
I am not a shoes so you cannot wear me.

33.  I am not your wife so I cannot give you a child,
I am not your wife so you cannot love me,
I am not your wife so I cannot take care of you,
I am not your wife so you cannot hurt me, 
I am not your wife so I cannot love you back.

34.  I am not a dog so you cannot feed me,
I am not a dog so you cannot throw me anywhere,
I am not a dog so I cannot be with you,
I am not a dog so you cannot play me,
I am not a dog so you cannot command me.

35.   I am not a music so you cannot grove with me,
I am not a music so I cannot entertain you,
I am not a music so you cannot adjust me,
I am not a music so I cannot beat with you,
I am not a you cannot tune me.

36.  I am not a water so you cannot drink me,
I am not a water so I cannot sustain your thirst,
I am not a water so you cannot waste me,
I am not a water so I cannot make you wet,
I am not a water so you cannot boil me.

37.   I am not a robot so you cannot control me,
I am not a robot so you cannot reformat me,
I am not a robot so you cannot command me,
I am not a robot so you cannot change me,
I am not a robot so you cannot operate me. 

38.  I am not a bottle so you cannot sell me,
I am not a bottle so you cannot throw me,
I am not a bottle so you cannot buy me,
I am not a bottle so you cannot break me,
I am not a bottle so you cannot recycle me.

39.  I am not a toy so you cannot play me,
I am not a toy so you cannot disassemble me,
I am not a toy so you cannot throw me,
I am not a toy so you cannot operate me,
I am not a toy so you cannot give me to others.

40.  I am not a battery you cannot change me, 
I am not a battery you cannot  buy me,
I am not a battery you cannot  use me,
I am not a battery you cannot  sell  me,
I am not a battery you cannot  charge me.

41.   I am not a child so you cannot monitor me,
I am not a child so I cannot be with you always,
I am not a child so you cannot force me,
I am not a child so I cannot play with you,
I am not a child so you cannot giggle on me. 

42.  I am not a test paper so you cannot answer me,
I am not a test paper so you cannot encircle me,
I am not a test paper so you cannot underline me,
I am not a test paper so you cannot pass me,
I am not a test paper so you cannot tear me.

43.  I am not a ring so you cannot wear me,
I am not a ring so you cannot re-size me, 
I am not a ring so I cannot say yes to you, ,
I am not a ring so you cannot return me,
I am not a ring so you cannot buy me.

 44.  I am not a doll so you cannot display me,
I am not a doll so you cannot innovate me,
I am not a doll so you cannot style me,
I am not a doll so you cannot disassemble me,
I am not a doll so you cannot collect me.

45.   I am not a puppet so you cannot control me,
I am not a puppet so I cannot entertain you,
I am not a puppet so you cannot command me,
I am not a puppet so I cannot give you wealth,
I am not a puppet so you cannot paint me.

46.  I am not a game so you cannot lose me,
I am not a game so you cannot risk me,
I am not a game so you cannot play me,
I am not a game so you cannot use me as a hobby,
I am not a game so you cannot win me.

47.   I am not a Bluetooth so you cannot connect with me,
I am not a Bluetooth so you cannot on me,
I am not a Bluetooth so I cannot accept you,
I am not a Bluetooth so you cannot off me,
I am not a Bluetooth so you cannot share me.

48.  I am not a bag so you cannot carry me,
I am not a bag so you cannot put me,
I am not a bag so you cannot buy me,
I am not a bag so you cannot sell me,
I am not a bag so you cannot stock me.

49.  I am not your girlfriend so you cannot kiss me,
I am not your girlfriend so you cannot slap me,
I am not your girlfriend so you cannot be with me,
I am not your girlfriend so you cannot hug me,
I am not your girlfriend so you cannot punch me.

50.  I am not a clock so you cannot set me,
I am not a clock so I cannot update you,
I am not a clock so you cannot resit me,
I am not a clock so I cannot inform you,
I am not a clock so you cannot look at me.